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Takeover: #106 - Sarah Rose Guitian

Sarah Rose Guitian: Instagram / Website

#106 (23/3 - 29/3 2020) written by Anisa Demirci and Cheyenne Pattiwaël

We asked what troubles you and you gave us trouble. The following month four artists will share their work and their relation to the troubles of our time. May it be emotional, existential, linguistic or imaginary, their work will for sure bring us big trouble. What does it mean to be in trouble? And how do we get out of it?

In these times of global trouble, it is important for us to remember that we are all interconnected, we are in this together and must help each other. The next artist, Sarah Rose Guitian, will be focusing on the trouble of distance, especially now. In her current research, she questions the process and meaning of distance.

Sarah Rose grew up with having two different cultures, coming from a Spanish father and a Dutch mother. Moving to the Netherlands at the age of 18, for her studies at the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam, she also grew up bilingually. For a lot of people, being multicultural is a gift, but Sarah Rose sometimes experiences it to be troubling as well, for it questions the sense of belonging.

Her work revolves a lot around these themes, but equally around the everyday life, the unseen and human habits. With an artistic approach, the everyday life gets elevated and questioned. Sarah Rose, a.k.a. the detailhunter, is very observant. By noticing little things and changes, she raises awareness of time and our surroundings. Through her work she strives to create a space to reflect, slow down, appreciate and notice what surrounds you.

Language is an important tool in her work, creating visual dialogues in different languages. Creating distance can also be done by consciously using language. By posing questions through her work, Sarah Rose raises awareness within the viewer and tries to make them a part of her work.

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